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Discern To Learn

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My Grade 6-12 student is struggling with gaps in:

-Reading Comprehension

-Grammar and punctuation

-Developing powerful paragraphs more than 3 or 4 sentences long

-Writing persuasive MLA research essays


I love them but sheesh... they lack:

-self-control and self-motivation

-big dreams for their future

the will to do hard things and to achieve a long-term goal

Does this sound familiar?
You are not alone. 

You have just found your answer!

Curious?  Is Discern To Learn For You?

Take this unofficial quiz:

Discern to Learn is Langauge Arts like nothing you've experienced before!

We come alongside your student to help them set personal goals to fill their gaps and develop the skills they will need to enter their school of choice and succeed at life.

A bit of a stretch for a language arts program?  I think not!


Language arts at its best teaches students to:

-think critically

-be persuasive and confident 

-defend their faith and beliefs

-manage their time and discipline to follow through on long-term projects

-do hard things

-develop self-motivation, self-discipline, and a growth mindset


Sounds like the best foundation for success there is!


I'd love to share with you exactly how I get your student there.  


Book a call now to get your free student assessment, learn more about Discern To Learn and see if it is right for your family. 

(I promise there is no high pressure sales going on here... if sales were my forte I'd be teaching that!)

What Classes Are There?

Discern To Learn believes in doing what you do best.  We want you to teach the parts that you do best and to get support for those that are more of a struggle or stress for you.  


We also only do what we do best... Language Arts Mentoring!  

Every class includes growth mindset training, goal setting, personal time management, and self-discipline mentoring so that your student can excel in the work for this class (and in everything else!)

Here are the classes we offer.

I know you don't know me,
But I hope we can change that.

I am Theresa, and I'm a language arts mentor.  Probably, you've never heard of a that before...  but I want you to know that you don't have to do language arts alone. In fact, I don't think anyone should learn alone!  

You probably think this is a sales pitch... but really and truly, I am a mentor at heart.  (If I was a salesperson, I'd be teaching that!)  

I just want to help and I'd love to help - whether your student ever joins one of my classes or not! So try me - just reply to that email you're getting in your inbos and tell me about your LA journey and what seems to be not quite right.  I'd love to make some suggestions that may help!  I have lots of free training videos I can send you.  

Kind of shy? Take a look around my website and check out my blog!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Your Language Arts Mentor

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